
  • Review of For Life in SMH and The Age by Michael McGirr

    This beautiful memoir beats with a radically open heart…

  • The best Australian books out in July according to The Guardian

    For Life is Piper’s memoir of recovery, but it’s also a love letter – to Curtin, to language and to the natural world – so full of hope and awe that I felt buoyed for days afterwards…

  • The Grey Dress - Review by Brenda Walker in Australian Book Review

    …Ailsa Piper put on a grey dress which she wore each day for the next six months. Of all the recurring and often exquisite motifs in her memoir, For Life, this prosaic re-worn grey dress speaks most eloquently of…

  • Review in The Good Oil

    Tracey Edstein has some original takes on the book - including the cover!

  • Review of For Life in Good Reading Magazine

    Ailsa Piper’s memoir is a moving testament to the power of the natural world to heal and nurture the spirit.

  • ABC's Richard Glover speaks to Ailsa about For Life

    Ailsa's new memoir For Life explores the journey her life took from that point, and the beauty she found in the simple observations of the world around her.

  • ABC's Hilary Harper speaks to Ailsa about For Life

    On ABC RN’s Life Matters talking about renewal, letting the past in and the joyful luck of being alive.

  • Ailsa in The Guardian

    After my husband’s death, looking down was all I could do. Then I saw a dragonfly

  • ABC Conversations with Sarah Kanowski - Lucky in Love

    Extended talk with Sarah about all things lifegiving.