2 thoughts on “postcard-hny-72

  1. Dear Ailsa,
    So glad to see that you are slowly settling down to a new life in a different City. I think this is a wonderful post in that it shows that life can go on even if it is very hard to start that happening. We are all going along the pathway of life and sadly at my age, can see the end is probably looming in the future. Family all busy doing their own things such as working overseas. travelling overseas and about to re-start Uni. studies shortly I do admire your sister and her wonderful collation of photos which I certainly couldn’t do. A daughter I think could do it as she often heeds my wails when I cannot work out a program or another.
    We all send our love and look forward to another post from you when you have the time and hope that one day we will catch up with you as long ago we said we would but other things seem to get in the way.

    1. Dear Bertina,
      Thanks so much for the update, and I hope that you all have a gorgeous time at the beach house. Being near the sea is such a tonic, and being together as family will be such a tonic. Hold a pic of my dear little lighthouse and think of me as I will think of you…with great gratitude. xxxxxx

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